Personal Injury Lawyers – Pedestrian Accident Attorneys
A City Council in a major city voted to approve the payment of $6.25 million to a victim who was run over by a drunken city worker on a sidewalk. The accident resulted in injuries to four other victims and those cases are still pending, according to a city attorney. The costs related to this horrific crash will likely continue to escalate.
The drunk city worker, 63, was driving a city pickup truck and ran off the street onto the sidewalk and into a crowd of people. He is now serving a nine year sentence in the Department of Corrections, following pleading guilty to four counts of aggravated driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol.
Investigating officers arrived on the scene and discovered an open bottle of brandy stuck underneath the accelerator of the city vehicle being operated by the city worker. It was determined that he had a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .183, or more than double the DUI limit of .08 or greater.
The victim was a computer scientist making $80,000 per year. His wife was injured as well but suffered far less severe and disabling injuries.The husband was severely injured after being pinned under the city truck, suffering disabling brain injuries that will prevent him from returning to his previous occupation or care for himself without assistance.
According to the Chairman of the Finance Committee, medical expenses for him total $572,000 and are continuing to rise. He explained that the accident was “a sad tale.”
Among the other victims was a nanny who was walking on the sidewalk with a twenty-month-old little girl in a stroller. Upon hearing screams and the noise of the truck on the sidewalk, she was able to push the child to safety. Unfortunately, the nanny was not so fortunate. She was hit by the vehicle and severely injured.
Unfortunately, pedestrians are vulnerable to being severely injured when being struck by any type of vehicle. Due to having little or no protection, victims are likely to face severe head injuries, spinal cord damage, broken bones, and death.
Even where there appears to be no doubt about the fault as with this case, it must be proven that the driver of the vehicle was negligent and that their negligence caused the resulting injuries. In this case it was necessary to prove that the city failed to adequately supervise the worker and that he was in the course and scope of his employment when the crash occurred.
There is no amount of money that can compensate victims for serious and disabling injuries or the loss of loved ones. However, if you are faced with this situation, you need to talk to an experienced attorney with a proven track record.
We have been helping citizen in a wide variety of serious personal injury and wrongful death cases for over 30 years. Contact us toll-free for a free, no-obligation consultation. With us, you owe no fee unless we make a recovery for you. More info on this website